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Ed Chesnovitch - Man On The Marsh

December 4, 2020 - February 7, 2021

Ed Chesnovitch - MAN ON THE MARSH is a visual documentary of one artist’s unique journey of living and working on a Cape Cod salt marsh and how it has influenced his life and art.

Chesnovitch fills his mostly large-scale landscape paintings with bold, saturated color and extraordinary mark-making resulting in unique and powerful compositions. He uses oils, mixed media and pastels to record his observations and express his intense connection to the environment in which he lives and works. This exhibition of landscape and phragmite paintings leave the viewer in awe of the artist’s spectacular and personal vision of the marsh.

Image: Ed Chesnovitch Mudflat Maze, oil, 60” x 48”


Ed Chesnovitch: Man on the Marsh

The Ecology of a Cape Cod Salt Marsh

A virtual talk by naturalist and educator, Gilbert Newton on December 17, 2020

You can purchase Gil's books in the museum shop. All proceeds go to CCMoA.


Dec. 11, 2020 Cape Cod Times​

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