​Please accept our heartfelt thanks
for being a part of the CCMoA Community.
You play a vital role in ensuring
the Museum's success and the
positive impact on our community.​
Through your continued financial support,
you have a profound impact on the
lives of those connected to CCMoA.
The Difference You Make.....
Thank You!

Your contributions make the difference in
Enhancing Exhibitions
Expanding Education
Experiencing the Collection
Engaging the Community
Your Financial Support makes a difference
..every day...​​
It is your generosity that enables us to
provide high-quality artistic programs,
maintain our beautiful building and campus,
support the dedicated Museum team and
extend our outreach through the region.​
Donating today,
makes a difference, everyday.
How Can You Make A Difference?​​
Please use the form here to make a
fully tax-deductible gift to the
Cape Cod Museum of Art.
Thank you for including the Museum
in your 2024 Giving Plans
Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
The Cape Cod Museum of Art is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.​​