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The lifeblood of the Museum - without powerful, relevant, educational and comprehensive exhibitions, we simply would not exist. Supporting our exhibitions will help us realize these costly productions. From transporting artwork from other institutions, to securing a quality juror and curator, to providing informative wall text – these endeavors draw from our limited resources and are expenses that often go unrecognized. For the contribution of $2000 to this category, you or your business can be prominently recognized as an exhibition sponsor for the duration of the exhibition.  

Fund Exhibitions

  • Your donation to the CCMoA immediately supports quality arts programming. Your tax-deductible gifts go directly to the areas of greatest need within the museum.


    The Cape Cod Museum of Art is a tax-exempt organization as described in section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Any contributions to the Museum are fully tax deductable to the extent provided by law.

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